26 August 2009

HDB Home Loan Calculator

Property Price$
Loan Percentage90% 80%
Loan TypeHDB Concessionary Loan
Private Bank HDB Loan
Details of Applicant #1
Gross Income
CPF Ordinary Acct. Amount
Details of Applicant #2
Gross Income
CPF Ordinary Acct. Amount
Preferred Repayment Period

24 August 2009

Income Tax Calculator

Employment Income +$
Employment Expenses -$
Net Employment Income$
» Add Other Income
Total Income$
Approve Donations -$
Accessible Income$
» Less Personal Reliefs
Chargeable Income$
Tax Payable on Chargeable Income$

One-Off 20% Personal Tax Rebate -$
Tax Payable after Personal Tax Rebate$
Parenthood Tax Rebate -$
Net Tax Payable$

Source & Details: http://www.iras.gov.sg/Tax%20Calculators/IIT/IIT.html

18 August 2009

Study Loan Calculator

Outstanding Loan Amount$
Interest Rate(%)%
Monthly Repayment
*Please note that the calculation may take some time when you click Calculate/Load Sample, please wait a while until it finishes.


Total Interest:$
Total Payment:$
Interest Percentage:%

17 August 2009

CPF Contribution Calculator

Your Age
(based on nearest Month & Year)
Monthly Income*$

*Only private sector employee calculation is provided here.

CPF Contributions:
Total CPF Contribution:$
Contribution by Employee:$
Contribution by Employer:$
Allocation of CPF Contributions
Medisave Account:$
Special Account:$
Ordinary Account:$

Car Loan Calculator

Loan Amount$
Interest Rate(%)%
Number of Year(s)

Total Interest:$
Total Payment:$
Monthly Installment:$
Interest Percentage:%